How to Avoid Plumbing Emergencies on Thanksgiving
If you are hosting family and friends this Thanksgiving, your plumbing will work harder that day compared to any other day of the year. With your kitchen and bathrooms working double duty, there are a few emergencies that can pop up that day. Fortunately, there are also a few things you can do to minimize the risk of that happening. Here are some smart things to do to prevent a Thanksgiving day mishap.
Don't Stuff Your Garbage Disposal
When you are preparing or cleaning up your Thanksgiving meal, you may send a lot of items down the sink and into the garbage disposal. But to help you avoid a plumbing disaster, always be cautious of what you are putting down the sink. Avoid sending fibrous foods, such as potato peels and yams down the garbage disposal, as they can easily get stuck and clogged. Don't send rice and pasta down, as they expand when they are wet, allowing them to get stuck. And never put bones down the drain. They are hard and can damage your garbage disposal.
Do Not Put Grease and Oil Down the Drain
Speaking of things that you should not send down the drain, always avoid putting grease and oil down your sinks or drains. Oils and fats solidify when they cool, which can cause them to narrow the opening of the pipe or block it completely. Many people think that if they pour grease down the drain with hot water, the hot water will keep the fat in its liquid form, but this is not always the case. Instead, pour your grease and oil into a coffee can or a metal vegetable can.
Make It a Rule to Flush Twice
Lastly, ask your guests to flush the toilet twice after they use the bathroom in your home. Your bathroom is doing double or triple duty on Thanksgiving if you have a large number of guests. It is easy for toilet paper and waste to get stuck, causing a clog. Asking guests to flush twice allows the waste to make its way down the toilet without a problem. This helps to protect your plumbing system and prevents a toilet from overflowing, which can be embarrassing to the guest who was in the bathroom at the time.
Thanksgiving is a busy time of the year for your home's plumbing system. Following the above tips and preparing your plumbing system for fall and winter can help to minimize the risk of plumbing problems, but you cannot prevent them completely. If disaster strikes, you need a plumber who can help you to get the problem fixed quickly. If the unexpected happens to you on Thanksgiving, call Amanda Plumbing, Sewer & Drain! We can help you with all of your plumbing mishaps, helping you to get your holiday back on track.