When you start having problems with your plumbing, your first thought is likely to look into repairs. However, you may find that ongoing repairs will ultimately be more costly than a replacement under certain circumstances. Whether you should try to remedy your problems with a quick repair versus a more intensive replacement project depends on a variety of different factors, such as the age of your pipes, the warning signs that you're seeing and whether or not you're already planning a remodel for your home. See how to filter through the information that you're getting to make a good decision that will be cost-effective over the long term.
What Type of Pipe Material Do You Have?
Depending on the age of your home, you may find that you have either copper, galvanized steel or PVC pipes. Knowing what is currently installed in your home, as well as when the pipes were updated, is critical, as each of these options has a different overall lifespan. Older homes often have copper pipes, which can last anywhere from 70-80 years if well maintained. Galvanized steel is even longer-lasting, and can go as much as 100 years before it needs to be replaced! PVC pipes will not last quite as long as the metal options, but they are still extremely sturdy and long-lasting.
Look for Warning Signs
Just because copper and galvanized steel pipes can last for nearly a generation, doesn't mean that they will. There are a number of factors that play into whether or not your pipes survive their full expected lifespan. This can include everything from the amount of water running through the pipes, whether or not they are adequately insulated to the quality of the installation. Additionally, if there have been repairs on the pipes in the past, they could have weakened the overall system if they were not completed correctly. If you start seeing a lot of repairs needed over a short period of time or a degradation in your water quality, it's probably time to start looking into a replacement system.
Are You Remodeling?
If you're already remodeling your home, it may be a good time to make the leap and update your plumbing as well. Many remodeling projects require changing wall structures which can expose pipes. This may allow your plumber to have easier access to the plumbing and reduce the cost of any updates.
Are There Safety Concerns?
While metal pipes are generally safe, older pipes can cause your water to contain heightened levels of copper or steel — neither of which are healthy for human consumption. Families with children at home will need to be particularly careful to avoid this type of problem, as children are more sensitive to remnants of lead and other heavy metals in their water.
When you need a professional opinion on whether to make updates or replace your pipes, contact the friendly associates at Amanda Plumbing, Sewer & Drain today at 740-369-5161. We are fully licensed and bonded, and will always help you make an informed decision about how to move forward. Our reputation for quality is second-to-none! Request an online estimate to get started.