There's nothing particularly fun or enjoyable about grabbing a plunger and having to work on a nasty clogged drain. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life for many Americans, due to poor drainage systems, a buildup of gunk in the pipes or even an overabundance of dental floss. A blocked drain is annoying, but it can also be a precursor to bigger problems that can affect your entire sewage system. See how to keep your drains clog-free and get some suggestions on how to keep things moving once you've had a backup.
Why Clogs Occur
There are dozens of reasons why your sink or shower drain suddenly becomes clogged. Hair in the shower and bathtub drain is one of the most common issues, with dirt and skin flakes coming in close behind. All of these items can bind to soap scum forming an unrecognizable ball of yuck that will stop your drain from flowing and reduce your overall water flow.
In families of small children, clogged toilets could be caused by anything from a superhero action figure to a donut, but most clogged toilets are a result of flushing items that will not decompose properly such as feminine hygiene items, paper towels or baby wipes.
Kitchen sink clogs happen when you have too much food popping down the pipes in large pieces, or when you've had oils or fats moving through your sink. Oil or grease is a liquid when you pour it into your sink, but it quickly congeals into a soggy mess with other items once it leaves your sink.
Maintenance and Prevention
You've always heard that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and that's certainly the case here! Stopping these items from going down your drains, or at least limiting this from happening by using drain stoppers that can filter out larger items, can save you a lot of time, effort, and money in the long term. Running very hot water down the drain can help soften any clogs and get you ready for additional maintenance procedures. Scrape all possible food scraps from your plates before popping them into the sink. Not only will this improve the cleanliness of your pipes, but it makes the plates easier to clean too. Coffee grounds, bones, and celery are three items you should keep out of your garbage disposal at all times.
Once you have a problem with clogged pipes, it's likely to recur and even expand to different areas of your home. Fortunately, regular maintenance such as having plumbing professionals snake your drains or using drain cleaners may help solve some of these issues.
Are you stuck with a drain that doesn't work? Contact the friendly and knowledgeable professionals at Amanda Plumbing Sewer & Drain today at 740-369-5161. We even offer after-hours emergency service for your convenience!